Accueil > Les auteurs > Harukichi

Harukichi is a self-proclaimed composer, artist, pho-toy-grapher, author and translator of comics. He also creates as a writer from time to time. He was born on the island of Hokkaido in 1973.

In 2010 he founded Electronic Publishing House Toge No Jizo, where he began to publish mini-comics by Annco from Korea, Eric Kriek from Holland, Hans Rickheit and Robert Goodin from the U.S. At the moment he is the only publisher in Japan, who publishes foreign alternative comics in electronic format.
In 2011 Harukichi wrote a guide book « Let’s read alternative foreign comics ». The book’s 170 pages tell about 50 foreign comics that were published after 2000. It also included a series of comics of Russian author Oleg Tischenkov « Cat ».
In 2011 Harukichi became the winner of the Boomfest festival competition.
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